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Monday, September 25, 2017

My Blue Heaven - Pete Fountain

Here is Pete Fountain on "My Blue Heaven."

Pete Fountain was one of the stars of the Lawrence Welk show, but he had trouble adjusting to Welk's temperament and the show's demands. I like his story:
"Mr. Welk said to me, "Peter, I would like you to run the bubble machine tonight. You will be backstage anyway, waiting to come on, so just put the fluid in it and then let the machine run during the first number."

...I poured in too much fluid. I didn't know any better. The bubbles were supposed to drift gracefully up from behind the band and float out across the ballroom.... That night they crowded down over the band like Niagara Falls! There were bubbles everywhere. I thought that the effect was great, so I poured in some more. There were so many bubbles that the guys couldn't even read their sheet music."

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