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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

The Yaquis See A Jogger

Another Tucson jogging story:

Near I-10 in Tucson, just off W. Grant and behind the smog inspection station, there is a distinct barrio, New Pascua, where many Yaqui Indians live. The Yaquis, originally from Sonora, started trickling into the U.S. in the 1880s, with a big surge after 1910 - refugees from the Mexican Revolution. The Yaquis established several villages in southern Arizona, including, by 1920, New Pascua, on what was then the fringe of Tucson. 20th Century growth engulfed the barrio as the city limits expanded. My customary jogging path ran right in-between the smog inspection station and the barrio.

One day, perhaps during Holy Week, I was jogging past the barrio when I suddenly noticed a number of Yaqui men, in full ceremonial Indian regalia, dancing in a line to the sound of tribal drums – perhaps their famous Deer Dancers. I had never before seen such a thing. I tried to jog past without drawing attention, but the Yaquis saw me. They broke their line dance, rushed up beside me, and began jogging in an exaggerated way right beside me.

The Yaquis were mocking me! I didn't know whether to be angry or to just laugh out loud. I smiled at them and continued jogging. After a while, the Yaquis broke off, and we parted ways, with a few waves and slight smiles.

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