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Sunday, July 16, 2017

California State Fair 2017 - Art

Rattlesnake - Isabelle Daniel

Change in the Air - Angela Sims

Foxy - Reyna Cardenas

Days of the Dead - Emma Kritsepis

Days of the Dead - Emma Kritsepis

Days of the Dead - Emma Kritsepis

Monorail track in-between Expo buildings. (I like the architecture.)

Colleen Flynn - State Fair Memories

Dancing Radha and Krishna - Priyanka Kumari

In Search of the Perfect Shot - Tony Natsoulas

You Are My Sunshine - Renee Scott

Flying or Falling - Tony Nguyen (what a shot!)

Pondering in the Woods - Jacquie Williams

Farmer's Daughter - Bill Hald

Jon, Jax, and Erica - Mustafa Shaheen

Ascendants - Sea Miller

Untitled - Brett Milliar

Sunrise on Maui - Nick Knezic

Looking for Eternity - Ronald Pinkerton

Airstream Reflections - Craig Bowers

The Last Migration - Michael Grasso

Winter in Roger's Park - Heide Janssen

Passion Flower - Linda Bergmann

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