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Monday, June 19, 2017

Southern Baptists Do The Right Thing, But In a Really Strange Way

I was pleased with the Southern Baptist resolution at their convention against the Alt-Right. The resolution caused confusion, however, because a majority of the delegates had never heard of the Alt-Right (!!!). They had to learn about the Alt-Right on the fly from repugnant Alt-Right attacks on the Southern Baptist Twitter feed (!!!!!!):
Trying to reorient America’s largest Protestant denomination has not been an easy matter for anti-racist advocates. They have been helped along by necessity: There has been a major decline in religiosity among white Americans (who remain by far the largest demographic among Southern Baptists) and also an influx of immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries where Evangelical Christianity has flourished in recent years.

Faced with a very real struggle to maintain the Southern Baptists’ membership and ministerial mission in a country that is extremely different from the segregationist South once defended by the likes of Jerry Falwell Sr., internal crusaders like Russell Moore, president of the denomination’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Center, have sought to remake the church into a place for people of all races.

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