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Monday, June 26, 2017

He's Got a Mouth on Him

Pharma Bro Shkreli doesn't follow his lawyer's advice to SHUT UP!:
The 34-year-old Shkreli "travels to the beat of a very unique drummer," exasperated-sounding defense attorney Benjamin Brafman said at a pretrial hearing this month.

Legal experts say there are obvious reasons lawyers want clients facing serious criminal charges to keep quiet.

"It's twofold: You don't want to antagonize the judge and you don't want to get the attention of the jury in a way that hurts your case," said veteran New York City defense attorney Gerald Lefcourt.

Columbia law professor John Coffee compared the situation to President Donald Trump's unruly tweeting habits. "A lawyer can caution him," he said. "But just like Trump, he doesn't have to listen."

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