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Monday, May 01, 2017

The 2016-2017 Sacramento Rainy Season (October-April) is Over

At Sacramento Executive Airport, it was the second-wettest rainy season (190% of normal, in contrast to 2015-16's 91% of normal) since measurements started in 1941.

Inches End Year
30.43 1982-83
28.21 2016-17
27.41 1981-82
27.34 1997-98
25.71 1957-58

For Sacramento in general (whose station has moved around several times over the years), it was the fifth-wettest rainy season since measurements started in 1877.

Inches End Year
32.75 1981-83
32.10 1885-86
29.78 1994-95
29.57 1981-82
29.25 2016-17

So, the 2016-17 rainy season wasn't an all-time record, but very strong, and I probably won't live long enough to see a rival.

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