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Monday, May 22, 2017

Curtis Park Wall

Highly-annoyed with feel-goodism Sunday morning. Creating this auto-free stretch, in conjunction with closed freeway ramps, created a series of impenetrable barriers around Curtis Park that made for massive traffic jams. Delays ruined my morning plans. I hope someone at least enjoyed it:
For four hours Sunday, May 21, a 2-mile commercial stretch of Broadway promises to be a car-free paradise, thanks to Sacramento’s inaugural Sunday Street.

The city expects 5,000 to 10,000 people to participate in Sunday Street on Broadway its first Open Streets Project, inspired by the public-space movement around the globe that encourages residents and governments to think of streets as destinations in themselves and more than merely corridors for travel. According to the Open Streets Project advocacy effort, the event will be the 19th initiative launched in California.

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