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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Interesting Albuquerque Buildings VII

Interesting-looking dome off Broadway Blvd. NE, just south of Interstate 40.

Ninja Core Obstacle Gym.

Gecko's Cafe on Academy Blvd. NE.

Art Deco South Beach mural inside Gecko's Cafe on Academy Blvd. NE.

I noticed this house on Google Earth.  Just south of Central Ave. on Broadway Blvd. SE.  I wish I understood the pattern here.  I've seen a similar pattern on Better Call Saul's Chuck McGill house, and with the cinder blocks on Rio Grande Farmer's Market on Isleta Blvd. SW.

House just south of Central Ave. on Broadway Blvd. SE.

Casa de Sueños, near the Country Club.

Church in the South Valley, on Isleta Blvd.

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