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Having a Sad

There just isn't enough pepper and Diet Pepsi in the world.


It's a formula. You should know that by now:
Things went very differently. The press conference proved instead to be Trump’s troll of the media, a rick-roll—as everyone called it later—on the grand scale. It was effortlessly brought off and all it required was a manipulation of media incentives and cable news control-room politics, plus a carefully arranged use of space and taxpayer-funded security detail. You can have all your earnest thinkpieces about false balance and the like; Trump’s event on Friday was enacted media criticism.

MSM Media Are Such Chumps.

They never learn. They never, ever learn:
"To be clear, we have been told this event would be an event where Donald Trump would address his past trafficking in the birther issue, the notion that President Obama was not born in the United States," Berman said. "He opened the event making a plug for his hotel, it is a new hotel, so in a sense, you could say he was leveraging five years of birther conspiracy to promote his hotel."

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Nightmare Before Christmas Live

This is awesome! The most-influential animated film of the Nineties, by far, come to life!

Andrea's Cat

Helped out there. The cat died, and Andrea had trouble with the idea of handling the cat's body which we took to Banfield's Truxel location).

Quiet Ambles

Pretty quiet ambles around the local neighborhood. Last night, we ducked down a side street and endured the Gauntlet of Dogs (who were all spooked by the rattly cart and odd-looking Bella). Tonight, Bella found remains of an egg roll in a parking lot. Makes it all worthwhile for a canine.

Expositions of the Thirties

1933-34 Century of Progress World's Fair

So influential!

1936 Texas Centennial

Strippers and fighting dinosaurs. Not a bad idea!

San Francisco World's Fair 1939

This looks like it would have been fun!

Trouble For The Virus

In real trouble now:
WASHINGTON—Expressing regret over its reckless decision to infect the Democratic presidential nominee, the virus causing Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia was reportedly terrified Monday after remembering what the Clintons were capable of. “Oh shit, what the hell was I thinking—you don’t get on the wrong side of these people,” said the infectious agent, which became increasingly worried while recalling just how far the Clintons were willing to go to get what they wanted, as well as what often happened to those who dared to cross the powerful politicians.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Walks With Bella Continue

In light of the paralysis of her right front leg, walks with Bella are now sharply-limited in scope.

In light of the failure of Friday night's wheelbarrow experiment, on Saturday, I purchased a hand truck that converts into a cart, in order to give Bella the option the option of riding rather than hobbling through vacant stretches of pavement. So far, Bella seems to grasp the concept, although she hasn't yet learned to jump up on the cart when she is tired. We haven't run into many homeless people yet, but so far their reaction seems to be, "hey, nice cart." Oh, and "poor dog."

So, walks with Bella continue, for now.

"Hell or High Water"

Tonight, I went to the Tower Theater to see "Hell or High Water" with Jeff Bridges. My interest, of course, is that the movie was filmed in New Mexico (with many scenes set in Portales, Clovis, and Tucumcari), but it also has a sky-high 98% critics rating on the Tomatometer (Rotten Tomatoes).
The movie feels as if "No Country For Old Men" and "Breaking Bad" had a child together. The personal interactions in the movie seem cobbled together with bits and pieces from both influences. I disliked the first half of the movie, but the action sequences are awesome, so the second half is great. There are some logical jumps I didn't like (but, hey, it could be worse).

Some scenes are also set in Albuquerque, and what looks like the Route 66 casino west of town, with the awesome action sequences set in To'hajiilee.

I notice that Albuquerque-acquaintance Jackamoe Buzzell is an Archer City, TX, deputy in the movie (we are likely distantly-related, since both our families hail from Maine).

I really like the opening establishing shot of the movie, featuring Dale Dickey (Skank, from "Breaking Bad") and the (Streamline Moderne style) Three Crosses of St. James Episcopal Church, 1117 Main Street in Clovis, NM.

Donald Trump On 9/11

Never a low too low for Donald Trump:
A long Politico piece that looks at what Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were doing on Sept. 11, 2001* and how it shaped them, begins with an interesting little nugget that few people probably remember. On that fateful day, when everyone was struggling to understand what had just happened, Trump seemingly had no hesitation to brag about the fact that his building was now the tallest in Lower Manhattan.

Wheelbarrow Experiment

Jan graciously gave Bella some dog treats, which she has already started digging into. Thank you!

I'm astonished by the speed of Bella's deterioration. On Monday, I thought her limp was getting worse. By Friday, her right front leg stopped working altogether. It won't be long at this pace. Oddly, she doesn't seem to be in much pain. A small favor.

Friday night, I experimented by pushing Bella around in a wheelbarrow. We didn't get very far down the sidewalk, but at least we spent some time together. We even heard a raccoon in a tree, but these days Bella isn't much of a threat to them - more the opposite.

Burning Man 2016 Videos

Have yet to go. It looks awesome!