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Saturday, August 27, 2016

In Trump We Trust

For those with the fortitude to persevere, this Presidential campaign is so remarkable! I just love how Trump shanked Ann Coulter on the day she released her paean to Trump's trustworthiness. In order to appear less scary to suburban women, Trump is executing the most awkward general-election pivot ever attempted, by adopting the immigration stance of Low-Energy Jeb! Olympic-level chutzpah. I give it a 2.0:
Liberals may die tonight because there are limited supplies of those injections they give you for acute schadenfreude toxicity. Ann Coulter has been Donald Trump's biggest New York City white nationalist supporter. She's transformed toadying into a militant act. Just today her new book In Trump We Trust was released, a genuflecting, tour de force of leader principle obsequiousness. As many have noted, in the book itself she writes that Trump can do anything, change his position on anything - none of it matters. She and they are that devoted. Everything except shift on immigration.

So today, the very day her book comes out he shambles his way to embracing the Rubio/Bush 'Amnesty' agenda he spent the last year railing against and using as a cudgel to destroy the Republican establishment's favored ones.

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