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Thursday, June 09, 2016

Why Are Republicans Behaving Like Mexican Drug Cartels?

Great story!

Meanwhile, the Talk Radio folks are defending Trump for attacking the judge. Remember, Trump has been accused of crimes. Trump should face the court like a man, instead of trying to knock off the judge, like the Mexican drug cartel tried:
I don't think I've ever had such a visceral feeling in my life. As Trump started talking, I began planning what I would say. He made racist comments almost immediately, calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" (because she has said she is of Native American descent).

As soon as he started talking about building a wall, I knew I needed to speak up.

"Mr. Trump!" I yelled as loud as I could. "You say Mexican immigrants are rapists, but didn't your ex-wife accuse you of the same thing? You're the rapist!"

I have never seen people as shocked as the supporters in our section, with whom we had become friends. They thought we were fellow supporters, and when we showed our true colors, they showed theirs.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" one yelled in my face.

"YOU'RE THE REASON WHY WE'D BUILD A WALL!" another woman screamed in Maya's face.

That's when Trump turned to me and started berating me.

"How old is this kid?" he asked the crowd. "Get him outta here... Still wearing diapers. Look at this kid... I'm telling you, the kid looks like he's 10 years old... That's unbelievable. That's the youngest protester I've ever seen."

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