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Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Went To Vote

For some reason, I couldn't sleep even the tiniest wink last night, so I decided to do the unprecedented, and vote shortly after 7 a.m. Bella was dumbstruck at the unexpected walk, coming so soon after the walk that ended at 2 a.m. And SO exciting! So many dogs walking their masters in the bright, morning light! Huskies even! And cats too!

Voting was fast. Two teenage girls greeted a friend as she emerged from the polling place. "They let you vote!?" one asked in wonderment.(*)

KFBK Radio was interviewing a talkative voter. I resisted the urge to horn in there with my own take on events.

[(*) A strange question. What I can't convey is her friend's jesting tone of voice. The impression I received wasn't as if she had gotten away with something underhanded, but as if she was doing something for the first time, and her friend couldn't believe she wasn't stopped. Becoming an adult. Is voting age 18? She looked about 18.

It's interesting the undertones in even the most offhand of remarks. The voter's friend appeared to be slightly younger, maybe 17, so maybe a touch of envy of her friend. It appeared an artificial distinction had emerged between the friends: one could vote and one couldn't.]

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