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Monday, June 27, 2016

Very Much Enjoyed The Sit-In

The Democrats are slowly becoming braver:
Right now, because Democrats want to keep their message as focused and as simple as possible, they’re concentrating solely on guns, and solely on gun reforms that command the support of vast majorities of voters. And they’re doing this because political theater is a powerful tool, particularly when you have the public on your side.

Likewise, the fight for new gun safety laws is also in its earliest days, because for the first time ever, the Democrats are fully unified on the issue. And the sit-in is already having an impact. Not only has it generated intense coverage in the traditional media, it’s also lit up social media as well. Even Kim Kardashian tweeted her support for the Democrats to her 46 million followers. Snicker if you like, but the fact that someone like her has taken notice shows that the sit-in is reverberating.

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