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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Vaccination Time

It's June, which means it's Bella's birthday this month. She's nine years old, according to Joe the Plumber.

I figured it was time to take Bella for vaccinations. I knew Bella's records were with Dr. Ibrahim, the humble elderly vet of Egyptian birth who maintains a practice at Broadway Vet aimed at the low-income and destitute pet owners of Sacramento. So, off we went.

Dr. Ibrahim seemed slightly irritable when we arrived. He took a phone call, and muttered "That woman's vet wants $450 just for an office visit." He shrugged his shoulders in irritation and said "What is that, anyway?"

He checked my records and said, "Oh, you haven't been here in years. How is Cinnamon?" Cinnamon was a Chihuahua that Joe the Plumber found and gave to me, but she already had distemper and died a horrible death five years ago. Continuing on, Dr. Ibrahim looked at Joe the Plumber's records and said "Oh, I haven't seen - Bella? - in years. She needs vaccinations."

Dr. Ibrahim administered the shot. I thought Bella might have issues with her right ear. Dr, Ibrahim thought it looked OK to him. "Knock on wood, Bella looks very healthy, but according to my records she's ten years old." Since we both rely on the very fallible memory of Joe the Plumber, we'll probably never know for sure.

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