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Tuesday, June 07, 2016

V Street Dust

Bella has developed a fondness for eating the grass to be found along V Street between 16th & 17th. I can't imagine why. To me, it looks like the rattiest grass in all of Sacramento. There must be something special about it. It reminds me of the Wine Connoisseurs of Napa Valley, who rave about Rutherford Dust. Wine made from grapes grown in the immediate vicinity of the town of Rutherford have a unique and highly-prized taste. Rutherford Dust gets the credit. I guess the same with V Street Dust. I just don't have an educated palate.

We rarely encounter freight trains on our trips criss-crossing the railroad tracks, but we did the other night. Under bright lights, that train looked Satanic in all its power and majesty.

Bella and I bumped into strange people on the street. There was the drunken Hispanic who just wanted to pet Bella. Bella liked that.

A lot of newly-displaced elderly folks are on the street now. For example, there was an elderly black man at the street corner muttering "Goddamn Cracker" to himself.

We encountered a woman returning home for the evening. We were headed the same direction and started talking. She was amazed about how quickly her daughters are learning things. "One wants to become a marine biologist. I don't know where she gets that. I haven't shown her the pictures from my surfing days at Santa Cruz. And the other one wants to become an actress." I encouraged her to look into children's theater, specifically DMTC in Davis, but there are other groups in Sacramento too. "Why not dancing at Step One?" I suggested. "It's only a few blocks away, and there is an entire Universe of activities there." She replied, "I come from a family of dancers. It's like they used to say back in my rave days, 'you gotta bounce to the music'". "Exactly," I replied. Bring everyone to Step One and we'll all bounce together."

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