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Monday, June 20, 2016

Two Chittering Raccoons Watching From Above

Bella shows poor sense of when to cross streets. I keep trying to teach her the importance of looking both ways first, but it's unclear if the message is getting through.

Last night, a train crossed Broadway just as we got there. I decided to let Bella decide what to do about it.

Bella was baffled. She could see through the wheels to the street beyond, but there was this huge, roaring, clanking thing in the way. She pondered for a full 40 seconds, looking for suggestions, before deciding to hide behind me.

Bella chased a few cats. There was a white cat that provided special sport. There were a few wary dogwalkers out there too, and those dogs were entertaining too.

There was a strange noise atop a two-story building. Two raccoons were laying flat on the roof, peering over the edge, and chittering to themselves. Reminded me of these guys:

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