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Saturday, June 11, 2016

"Turn Your Love Around"

A variety of animals have excited Bella recently. A rat has been running along the branches of the back yard tree nightly to get at the ripe plums there. Exciting! Bella also surprised a rat near the DMV, making it run.

There have been cats galore too. Bella rested near the chain-linked area where the Siamese cat likes to sit. To my surprise, Bella didn't even notice the cat, sitting comfortably just two feet away from Bella but impervious behind the fence, until I started talking to it.

Lots of burrito fragments have been cast aside on the sidewalk near the Mexican restaurant, to Bella's delight. The other night, a street person walked up and handed me a paper bag containing a plastic sandwich basket. "This is for the doggie poop," he explained. "They won't let me take this on the light rail." He headed off down the sidewalk. Nevertheless, he didn't board the light rail. Instead, he crossed the street to the On Broadway Lounge, where some dreadfully-loud karaoke was in progress, namely, George Benson's "Turn Your Love Around". I hurried past, hoping the Commodores' "Three Times A Lady" wasn't next on the Early Eighties easy-listening playlist.

I've called the police from my cell phone a couple of times recently. There was a fellow running a grinding wheel at midnight on the door stoop of the Used Car Lot Sales Shack, where the police made an arrest just a week ago, or so. He was making - what? - a key? A piece of jewelry? There's probably an unguarded electrical outlet there. Plus, I also noticed a homeless man was noisily making a nest behind the AM/PM's air conditioning unit at 2 a.m. So, called the cops. A two-fer.

Plus, there were two creepy-looking workman creeping around the apartment building fenced in with chain link on the southwest corner of 19th & T Streets at 1:30 a.m. We exchanged a hard look. That building was damaged in a fire in February, 2015, but recently has been undergoing repair. The ironic thing is, these workmen may actually belong there. They may be living temporarily in the van in the apartment building's driveway. Still, it's a fenced-in construction site, so I called the cops in the hope they would check out the creepy workmen anyway.

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