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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Sidewalk Issues On Bella's Walk

Bella was entertained on tonight's walk. We passed by a young couple at 19th & Broadway. The girl was repacking a backpack. The guy was sitting on the grass, and he said, "Hey, can you spare some change?" He smiled and said, "Nice dog!" Bella lunged at his face like a cruise missile to kiss him, throwing him off his appeal.

Bella wanted to hang around the Flame Club on 16th St., but the place makes me uneasy. The club is a bit 'hood, and many people were hanging around outside in the parking lot. That's where trouble usually starts, in the parking lot, but for a dog, the place appeals!

We passed by the intersection of 18th & T St., Where All The Cats Are (plus several dogs and a couple of raccoons) and stopped to listen to a catfight near V and 24th St.

There were a couple of sidewalk issues. Someone dropped a bunch of what appeared to be caramels outside Step One. The caramels had partially melted onto the sidewalk, and looked so tempting in the half light (although I noticed Bella had no interest).

The sidewalk on 21st St. near T St. is fairly new, and when the concrete was drying someone had written: "Defy Social Implantations. Animal Liberation Front. Meat = Murder." Felt a twinge of guilt. I had ribs and chicken at a Memorial Day barbeque earlier in the day, so I remained a slave to Social Implantations.

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