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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Shouting At Clouds

Dianne Feinstein was on the radio pleading with Bernie Sanders to give it up already, saying that cooperation would help Hillary focus on Trump. OK, that's a valid point. Goodness knows, we need focus. But should Bernie give it up already yet? Hillary's been making some concessions on the platform committee, but you can sense her resistance. She probably wants to keep her options open until July, but further delay means further alienating Bernie voters. Hillary needs to get a move on.

So, why not name Elizabeth Warren as VP choice? And name her right freakin' now, before serious damage gets done? Warren is better than Bernie as a left-progressive candidate, and has strengths that fortify Hillary's strengths.

Because Hillary's friends shouting at clouds isn't doing the job:
Warren is off-the-cuff, free-wheeling and direct in all the ways Clinton is cautious and rehearsed. But it is a reinforcing rather than an invidious contrast and likely helps bring to the surface Hillary's progressive background that has been buried by decades at the pinnacle of Democratic party politics and years as the punching bag of the left of the party which feels excluded by the seemingly endless Clinton ascendency.

It may sound crazy to attach so much to her recent Twitter contretemps with Donald Trump. But the tone, rhythm and style are exactly what the Democrats need to knock Trump down and bring out his toxic mix of personal insecurity and emotional instability. It's not over-earnest or off-key or droning (traditional Democratic tonalities - let's be honest). She's mocking, substantive and constantly on target.

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