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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Meg Whitman Has Cold Feet

Times, they are a changin'. Meg Whitman, who ran for California Governor as a Republican, may support Clinton:
Meg Whitman, president and CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, reportedly shocked other members of a closed-door summit organized by Mitt Romney Friday night when she raised the prospect of supporting Clinton, according to ABC.

"She posed the question, 'Is it not reasonable to support Hillary Clinton?' given all the awful things Trump has said," donor John Chachas to ABC.

Whitman, who served as Romney's finance co-chair in 2012, told ABC News she would wait until runningmates are chosen in order to make her final decision.

"I haven't made that decision," she said, according to ABC. "We’ll see, get to the conventions, see who the vice presidential picks are. And then I will make that decision."

This was not the last shocking thing Whitman reportedly said, according to ABC. Whitman allegedly went on to compare Trump to Hitler and Mussolini and confronted Paul Ryan to ask how he could support Trump.

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