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Friday, June 03, 2016


Bella's walks have been pretty quiet lately. We said hello to several homeless people. Bella found a deeply-attractive pile of garbage at 16th & W St. Bella also located a lonely German Shepherd locked in the back yard of an apartment building on 26th St., so now they're friends.

Last night, there was a woman on the sidewalk loudly proclaiming her outrage into a cell phone: "Take my point, muthafucka, I don't disrespect you, and you sure as hell don't disrespect me!" Ah, the relations between the sexes!

Suddenly, Bella started eating huge amounts of grass. "Oh, no," I thought, "she's either eaten something toxic or she's turning into a cow." I worried even more when she stumbled badly over a curb on Broadway. She seemed quiet this morning, but I'm still watching her.

We found several Rose Stair Goodman religious pamphlets. They lack the homemade charm of Jack T. Chick pamphlets. When I attended the 2015 SWPACA meeting in Albuquerque, I met a religious scholar who plans to write his Ph.D. dissertation on Jack T. Chick, who is 92 now, and as far as I know, still cranking out pamphlets. Some people have all the fun!

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