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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gentle Snoring

I was in the bathroom, sitting and dreaming as usual, when I heard a gentle rhythmic noise. Someone was snoring, but who? I started searching and eventually traced the snoring to the back porch, to Bella, who I guess has that Sleep Apnea thing going.

Five seconds later, Bella was barking. That horrible mailman was trying to attack the house again. Somebody should do something about that.

Last night, Bella startled a raccoon hiding behind a tree. The raccoon rapidly scrambled up the trunk. Ten years ago, possums were all the rage. These days, where can't you find raccoons?

We went slightly out of our way last night and ended up at 15th and S Streets. I was surprised how run down that corner is. Closed and battered buildings, a demolished house, and an unexpected empty lot. Bella dragged me to a tall gate with a sign that read : "This Property Guarded by Smith & Wesson". I gently persuaded Bella to disregard her nose. No cats there, no sir.

Bella sure gets willful towards the end of her walks, tugging on the leash to the point of violence. Scent Is Strong! The Nose Is All!

We saw a nondescript man near the DMV where someone leaves food for the feral cats. Indeed, the food was fresh. Is this man the neighborhood's Cat Lady? Inquiring minds want to know!

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