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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Laure Courtellemont Is Fundraising For An Ambitious Project

The most amazing person on the planet, Laure Courtellemont, is leading the effort to crowdfund a project to raise the profile of Jamaican Dancehall in Los Angeles. Dancehall has what it takes to sweep the world - Jamaica is a tiny island stuffed with talent - and strategic use of money can be critical.

Please donate, if you can!
One of my great dreams for this Jamaican originated art form is to give it an opportunity to be displayed on a live stage with some of the best dancers and actors of its kind. I want to showcase this passionate dance in all its glory in a way that any other well-respected dance should be shown. The Show will be held at Movement Lifestyle in North Hollywood, on June 18, 2016.

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