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Friday, May 20, 2016

Jetta Plays The Ghost of Dorothea Puente

Congratulations, Jetta, for representing the ghost of Sacramento's most well-known personage for a TV show (likely to be aired on the Travel Channel):
Hi Friends, I just got done taping for the travel station and I played the lead as Dorothea Puente "yes you heard right" the old woman who killed 8 or 9 boarders at her house, at the house 1426 F street, which of course is now owned by someone else (this probably doesn't help in getting a date, to say this). I don't know yet when it will be shown, will let everyone know. They told me what happened to the friendly Jetta that came in, she became scary (I guess that meant I did a good job). I was kidding around on the set by telling a man playing a corpse that this is what happens to you when you complain there is too much salt in your soup!

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