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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Feeling Offput By Poverty Ridge

Over the last 15 months, Bella has become intimately familiar with the Sacramento neighborhoods of Richmond Grove, Poverty Ridge, Newton Booth, and the northern parts of Curtis Park and Land Park. Nevertheless, lately I've noticed she's actively avoiding entering Poverty Ridge. To a human, Poverty Ridge is a most-pleasant and posh neighborhood, but to a dog, there aren't enough heaping piles of refuse or drunken derelicts sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk. The historic homes house only the most tedious and well-mannered cats and dogs.

Bella loves the Broadway corridor. Lots of restaurants, and people carelessly toss food everywhere. Tonight, we watched a policeman start disassembling a traffic stop on Broadway for drunken drivers. I had thought things seemed a little too placid on Broadway. People must have been actively avoiding the area.

Three preteen girls bicycled past at 1:00 a.m., singing a song. I didn't recognize the song, but their harmonies were great.

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