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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Tale of Three Cats

It was A Tale of Three Cats on Bella's walk last night.

Bella could hardly believe the first cat's insouciance. The Siamese was luxuriating in a driveway surrounded by chain link fence on two sides, and a wall on the third side. The cat was in full view, but completely protected, and therefore completely disdainful of passing dogs. Bella charged the fence, and barked, and tried to instill the cat with proper regard for the dog's place in the Universe, all to no effect other than making the cat yawn.

The second feline, a long-haired black cat, did the same, even though the cat was completely exposed in its own front yard. Bella didn't charge or bark - she understood now how this contempt worked.

The third cat was lying on the sidewalk directly in Bella's path. Bella got within inches before the cat hissed and hurriedly walked away.

I could tell Bella was disturbed. Where does this feline insolence come from? Whatever the source, feline disdain is out of control, and someone needs to do something about it.

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