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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Raccoon in the California Capital's Hunger Games

After finishing rewatching the conclusion of the Hunger Games movie Mockingjay Part II, it was time for Bella and I to walk the streets of Sacramento, and reflect on lessons learned.

Lots of spooky people on the streets this evening. At 1:45 am, apropos of nothing, two men walked past in the dark carrying fishing rods. Spooky.

Even spookier was Bella's alertness near a certain tree. She pulled me around the tree, and suddenly lunged. I grunted as the leash went taut, and two panicked doves in the tree above my head flew off into the dark.

Sitting on the ground was a small, juvenile raccoon. It didn't look like a real animal at all, more like a stuffed toy, but very slight movements betrayed its true identity. It was completely exposed, and incredibly vulnerable. The juvenile raccoon was in the California Capital Arena experiencing its own Hunger Games.

Bella, the Capital Mutt, made several more lunges at the raccoon, but I controlled the leash, and subscribed to Peeta's advice about avoiding mayhem at all costs, and so we broke free and continued our walk through the night.

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