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Friday, March 25, 2016

Mockingjay Part I Directors' Commentary

I was watching the directors' commentary of "The Hunger Games - Mockingjay Part I" and was highly amused by their description of the scene where Peeta attacks Katniss, and Boggs clubs Peeta unconscious. The directors were sorely-tempted to end the movie at that instant, because they had been watching "Breaking Bad", and that's where Vince Gilligan would have ended it, for maximum suspense, leading to Mockingjay Part II. Nevertheless, they worried that that was the wrong place, that they needed some closure for the scene, that fans might riot, etc.... So, they had a different ending, with Katniss helplessly watching Peeta's agony. It was all about the difference between a TV show and a movie. Still, it shows the influence of "Breaking Bad" in Hollywood.

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