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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Donald Trump, Spawn of Wally George

I got nostalgic hearing about the violence at the Tucson Convention Center when Donald Trump spoke there this last weekend. I protested Jerry Falwell there around 1980, and even though Trump uses liberals as foils at his rallies just like Falwell did, Falwell was more interested in containing the liberals than beating them up. Shows you how conservative morality has slid over the years.

Josh Marshall is on to something here, identifying Wally George as having designed the original prototype to Donald Trump's rallies. As the videos Marshall assembles show, Trump follows George's recipe faithfully:

"Over the years, as I wrote more and more about the right, I began to realize that George was like one of those early hominid fossil skeletons which are lineal ancestors of all the diverse permutations of humanity today. Perhaps more apt, he was like that archaic fish who made the first sustained steps out onto land, opening a path for all subsequent terrestrial fauna."

(See more videos at link)

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