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Monday, February 22, 2016

"Where to Invade Next"

I saw Michael Moore's new movie, "Where to Invade Next". More optimistic than most of his movies, it's mostly about how American ideas about the role of government were implemented well in Europe after WWII, abandoned for no good reason in the USA, and should be brought back.

I like Michael Moore a lot, and I liked this movie and recommend it, but as with all Michael Moore movies, there are disconnects that bother me. The disconnect that bothered me the most in this movie was the sense that I wasn't getting a full picture about the Finnish school system. The school system is top notch, yet there is no assigned homework. Since education is a difficult process, I wanted to see how students learn in the Finnish system without assigned homework. Somehow, somewhere, the students are learning and getting the job done. How? To my frustration, Michael Moore leaves the question unanswered.

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