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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Emergency Equipment Rapture

A few years ago, I arrived home late at night and found my house surrounded by fire engines. Scared me to death! There had been a fire next door, but my house was unscathed.

Last night, I arrived home late and found a fire engine and an ambulance in front of my house. Scared me to death!

The emergency vehicles were idling in the street, but strangely, there was no one there. No paramedics, no firemen, no bystanders: just many tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment idling in the street. It was as if The Rapture had occurred, and all the people had vaporized. Except me, of course. Of course!

I fantasized about driving away with a fire engine, or an ambulance, but decided against it since where would I go? (Although I suppose I could drive to Davis and show off to my friends there.) As it turned out, the paramedics and firemen were all next door, attending to someone's health, about which they couldn't divulge any details. I'm always mystified why the city sends out a fire engine when they already know they don't need one, but rules are rules, I suppose.

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