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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"Better Call Saul" - Season 2, Episode 2, "Cobbler"

Last night, in "Cobbler" (Season 2, episode 2), I was deeply moved by Kim and Jimmy's fantasy of a future life in Corrales. An open floor plan; decent acreage; get back in touch with nature; a life of freedom and horses; wine on the back patio at sunset; a smoker.

These photos are from 1960. My father built that house in Corrales "with no walls to disrupt his ch'i."

Of course, living in Corrales requires more resources than people realize. Walking around, you see horses suffering away on postage-sized plots of land, because, like Jimmy notes, it's expensive to keep horses. People try very hard to make the fantasy come true.

The producers are familiar with Corrales. Anna Gunn lived out there during "Breaking Bad". I'm hoping "Cobbler" signals the plot will go there.

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