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Monday, February 29, 2016

Bella on the Porch

(Early morning, Feb. 27): After making her nightly check on the smelly garbage heaved over the Highway 50 chain link fence at 26th and W St., which tonight included eggs, Bella suddenly started limping. We sat down on the curb in the 26th St. underpass next to several sleeping homeless men and their piles of recyclable junk. I carefully checked Bella's paw, pulled out a sticker, and we quietly pressed on.

(Early morning, Feb. 29): Tonight, Bella and I headed north, as we often have lately, but when we reached Broadway, I could tell she was getting bored of the route. Instead, she pulled me west, then south, then west again - west, west, west - into the Land Park neighborhood, before finally heading north again back to Broadway.

We ended up next to the offices of Dr. Ibrahim, the humble Egyptian-born veterinarian, who has made it his mission for the last FIVE decades - praise be to Allah! - to bring low-cost and no-cost veterinary services to the streets of Sacramento. Joe the Plumber had said that, during her homeless years, he had brought Bella here for shots. Would Bella remember this place?

Too much time has passed. Bella doesn't remember. Before Dr. Ibrahim retires, I have to bring Bella back for a visit.

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