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Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Ammon Bundy, Disloyal Thief And Bully

Ammon Bundy, from jail:
This is a call to action for any elected representative in Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, the State of Washington, and Ohio. You have constituents in federal custody. Please visit and contact them to voice your support for free speech, the right to assemble, and civil disobedience," Bundy said in the statement. "It is your duty to hold federal agencies at bay, protecting the people in your state," he continued in his statement to state officials.

"And to those who disagree with my speech, or our civil disobedience, and may dislike our ideas regarding that the land belongs to the people: Please remember that you do not want free speech to be retaliated against by government officials. If you do not advocate for government to tolerate ideas that it hates, then the First Amendment and free speech mean nothing," he continued. "Arm yourself with ideas. Arm yourselves with education. Argue and disagree. Be free.

And following Mr. Bundy's suggestion, I will do exactly that. You are not "the people". You are a rancher, and thus a stakeholder. It is not the responsibility of the American people to hand their property over to you without payment. Large swathes of the West remain under Federal control because of the difficulty of establishing cost-effective ranches. Someone has to be the responsible party for the American people's land, and the Federal government is their agent. Menacing Federal workers and average citizens with guns and threats must be resisted.

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