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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Watching DVDs

Got new DVDs of my two favorite shows. Watching "Dr. Atomic", and marveling at how well De Nederlandse Opera did their New Mexico homework. For example, the set features a brilliant skyline, which I recognize as the Sangre de Cristo Mountains as seen from Los Alamos (featuring Santa Fe Baldy and the Truchas Peaks).

And watching "Clouds of Sils Maria", and marveling at how Director Olivier Assayas slips Friedrich Nietzsche's expressions and thought into every Alpine nook and cranny. Rendering the densest philosophy into a popular movie must be the hardest thing imaginable. Kristen Stewart is the most humane, empathetic character of the film, which means, in Nietzschean terms, she's the one who gets annihilated.

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