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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The Simple Things

The simple things make life good.

At lunchtime, I watched a flock of starlings and two hyperventilating crows relentlessly chase a hawk all over Midtown. Poor hawk was just minding its own predatory business. Couldn't get any rest.

Tonight the formidable team of Man and Dog got out just before the rain and prowled the city streets. Dog found a dead mouse, and regrettably remembered where someone tossed the remnants of a box of Popeye's fried chicken last night. Man found a glove and gloated over Dog's failure to find a bedraggled dead cat in the gutter.

There were mysterious loud bangs around the neighborhood: not thunder, or gunshots, or car crashes, but like explosions, or giants dropping boulders, or something. Went on the Nextdoor web site, and sure enough, that perennial posting favorite of the Curtis Park neighborhood, "What's That Sound?" is the hot topic of the night.

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