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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Rainiest Week of the Year

It's the rainiest week of the year. These are the light, misty rains that climatologist Bill Patzert at JPL in Pasadena has described as the classic sign of El NiƱo in California (and not, as most people assumed, heavy Pineapple Express type storms). The unfortunate irony is that we are experiencing these misty rains pretty much only in Northern California, and not in Southern California, as many climatologists predicted this winter. Weather is twisted like that.

Nevertheless, during Bella's walk in the rain tonight, there were a surprising number of people on the street. These include 1.) the friendly black man in a black jacket riding a black bike into the darkness; 2.) an elderly man in golf course wear wandering down by the freeway entrance; 3.) the suspicious young man in camouflaged gear lurking by the back door of the Donut Shop (give him a friendly neighborly wave); and 4.) a driveway parking ballet adjacent to a mysterious limousine. The dead cat in the gutter we noticed a week ago is still there, and looking the worse for wear.

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