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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Jeb's Greatest Hits Tour

Oh Jeb!:
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Tuesday that his brother, George W. Bush, is still “very popular” and could join his struggling campaign.

During Fox News interview, host Brian Kilmeade asserted that George W. Bush would be a good addition to the candidate’s list of surrogates because he is embraced by conservatives in the same way that Democrats are fond of former President Bill Clinton.

“Is that something that you think, if he could tell your story as well as you can if not better, is that something you’re considering?” Kilmeade wondered.

“Yeah,” Bush replied. “It is something to consider because he is very popular. And I also know I need to go earn this.”

“My brother has been a strong supporter and I love him dearly,” he added. “He’ll continue to play a constructive role.”

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