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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Micro-Entrepreneurship Fundraiser

Chandra sends news of her annual fundraiser benefitting youth in Los Angeles:
Hey Marc! Good morning I am not sure how much you know about my non-profit but I help young adults start their own businesses. It is like an incubator program but much more structured with real results! I have been working for free since January and we are barely making it through until our next fundraiser, which is in February. ANYWAY, we have a Giving Tuesday fundraiser going on (link at the bottom) right now and our humble goal is 1k. If you are unable to donate anything perhaps you can share it and tag a few who you think might be interested in helping? We truly are raising up youth who never knew they could be business owners. smile emoticon I appreciate any support you can give ! BRBA forever! lol
Oh, it's just for today!
The CITY is anxiously preparing for the start of our unique, results-driven micro-entrepreneurship program to begin in Spring 2016 and need a little help getting us through the winter with our costs that never go away! On May 31st our young entrepreneurs completed the business enterprise program and presented their newly legally formed and operational businesses to a panel of local executives and entrepreneurs. 80% of our students didn't have a name, a logo nor ANY business training before The CITY. As they presented to the panel it became clear the 46 weeks of structured programming paid off.... each had formed their own business. One was even ready to open his own store front location less than 30 days after program completion. We invite you to be a part of the true life-changing experience for the next entrepreneurial class with your donation teaching not only self sustainability and business skills, but life long confidence to take control of their futures and to be contributors to the building of the inner city.

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