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Thursday, November 05, 2015

DMTC Haunted Hotel 2015 - The Mad Scientist's Laboratory

Fourth part of a series of posts featuring pictures of the DMTC Haunted Hotel 2015.

The Mad Scientist's Laboratory

One time, while waiting for her father to wrap things up after a show, Ana Chan fell asleep on the carpet down here. I was preparing to close the theater, took a cursory look down there, saw no one, and turned off all the lights. Ana awoke with a start, found herself abandoned in the darkness of a cavern, and freaked.

The kids at our theater are quite admirable, and more talented, harder working and smarter than the kids I recall growing up with. That was driven home to me during our last Haunted Hotel tour, specifically for our tween volunteers, who had heretofore been too busy with the Haunted Hotel to see the entire tour. As the Mad Scientist, I ask the guests on the tour if they are hungry, and whether they might fancy some "Rongere". One of the tweens immediately recognized the French word for "Rodent", snapped her fingers, and sarcastically responded "I don't THINK so!" (Her uncle had taught her some conversational French - enough to identify Parisian urban wildlife). I was amazed. In my day, no one would have understood.

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