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Saturday, November 07, 2015

"All Things Must Pass" - The Rise and Fall of Tower Records

Tonight, I went to the Tower Theater to see "All Things Must Pass", the documentary about the rise and fall of Tower Records, the world-spanning record-sales colossus, which, of course, began in Sacramento in 1941 within the same building housing the very same Tower Theater.

These sad home-entertainment days, most of the seats you see in the cinema are empty. Tonight, I was astonished to find nearly every seat in the Tower Theater full. Perhaps since Tower's roots are deeper here than anywhere else, many people also felt the need to reminisce about the empire that started here.

One of the iconic images in the movie (at 0:56 in this trailer) is smiling founder Russ Solomon perched on the wooden canopy above the door of the Tower Broadway location. As I drove away from the theater, I could see that same canopy of the old Tower Broadway location (and now the Dimple Records Broadway location). Almost like Sacramento's version of the Colosseum, or something.

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