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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Trey Gowdy is a Cheating Sleazeball Who Just Caught Red-Handed By The CIA

Clinton's E-Mails make good political hay. First, the GOP use them to create false documents. Then, Clinton's E-Mail revealed that Tony Blair promised George Bush he'd support an Iraq invasion right off, a year before he bothered telling the British public.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland):
To further inflate your claim, you placed your own redactions over the name of the individual with the words, “redacted due to sources and methods.” To be clear, these redactions were not made, and these words were not added, by any agency of the federal government responsible for enforcing classification guidelines.

Predictably, commentators began repeating your accusations in even more extreme terms, suggesting in headlines for example that “Clinton Burns CIA Libya Contact.”

Contrary to your claims, the CIA yesterday informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified. Specifically, the CIA confirmed that “the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information.”

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