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Friday, October 30, 2015

Inclined To Give This Use Of Blackface A Pass

The use of blackface creates many quandaries, and is generally bad, but this use here tweaks Kanye, so inclined to give it a pass:
A white elementary school teacher in Alabama apologized on Monday for wearing blackface to dress up as rap artist Kanye West for a Halloween party, according to CBS affiliate WHNT.

Heath Morrow, a fifth grade teacher in Decatur City Schools, dressed up in blackface and posed with a "Kanye for Prez 2020" sign in a photograph published online. The real West had announced at the Video Music Awards that he would run for President in 2020.

Morrow's wife, Shannon, dressed up as the rapper's wife, Kim Kardashian, and posted the photograph to Facebook, according to al.com.

...In his apology, Morrow said that he decided on his costume "based on celebrities and the political climate today."
Accidental blackface is the best. I remember when I lived in Arizona. "Old times dere are not forgotten." I was boarding with the Doctor, who was originally from Alabama. There was the time I was trying to clean some gunk out of my VW Bug's carburetor and so was blowing into it. He came to ask a question and when I turned to face him he collapsed in laughter. (The carburetor had left a greasy ring around my lips in a bad photo-negative imitation of blackface.)

James reminds me:
Good time to remind white people about this very important app (about when to drop the N-bomb). Maybe we can expand it to see if it's ok to do Blackface.

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