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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"He Named Me Malala"

After Friday evening hip hop, I was in the mood to eat popcorn, so went to the Tower Theater, called "He Named Me Malala", about the work of Malala Yousafzai and her father to promote literacy in general, and Afghan girl's education in particular, that nearly got her killed. Can't feel anything but admiration for them both. Interestingly, the movie features animation to illustrate events more than a few years old, which lends a nostalgic distance.

Also notable is that politics is downplayed, which seems remarkable considering the subject material. The Taliban may have targeted them, in part, because they were seen as too close to the Americans, but the filmmakers don't mention it, since the Taliban was probably going to target them anyway. (I worry about the political context because the Pentagon has used support for girls education to enlist American support for the Afghan war in general, without regard for the lives of people put very much at risk by doing so.)

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