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Friday, October 30, 2015

Can't Take The Heat

The Republicans can't take the heat, and they won't get out of the kitchen.

This is absurd, but hey, I'm OK with it. Let them storm off in a huff from all the other networks too. They can argue in my basement. The visuals are appalling there, and the acoustics terrible, but Bella the Dog is a very attentive listener:
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus told NBC News in a Friday letter that the committee will no longer partner with the network for the February Republican presidential debate.

Citing concerns over the Wednesday night CNBC debate, Priebus wrote that the RNC can not continue to work with NBC for the debate on Feb. 26 until the committee consults with the Republican campaigns. NBC was set to co-host the debate with Telemundo, the Spanish-language media division of NBCUniversal.

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