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Monday, September 14, 2015

It's Everything Orwell Warned Us About

George Orwell at his most acidic couldn't say it better than Michele Bachmann:
"There is only one tried and true method that stops a rogue nation from getting a nuclear bomb, and it's this: It is for a country like the United States to take our military superiority and to go into that country and to drop bombs on their nuclear hardware and destroy it. ... That's called peace. That's not called war."
Actually there are SEVERAL examples of nations deciding not to advance further on their nuclear arms programs, but they weren't bombed into that stance (no, not even Libya). And there are NO examples of a bombing approach working. (With Nazi Germany, a full-scale invasion - not just bombing - was required.) No, a process of persuasion, not threats, is what works. We need to do what works.

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