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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Brief Playmate For Bella

I wasn't sure what we'd find two blocks ahead. I heard 2 cat screeches, a thud, a barking dog, and then silence.

What we found wasn't an accident scene, but rather a small, loose terrier on the sidewalk. Bella was bucking wildly on the leash in order to play. The terrier was calculating just how much control I had of the leash in order to taunt Bella and stay just out of reach. We eventually found the owner of the terrier, who couldn't coax her dog away, and feared Bella might hurt Ryan (her terrier). So we walked to her house and Bucking Bella was admitted just inside the front door for a brief moment in order to separate the dogs with the door.

For a brief time Bella had a playmate. She thought that was fun!

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