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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Interesting Albuquerque Signs IX

Warrior Boxing.

One of the entries in Group C, 48-hour Film Project - Albuquerque, and screened at the Kimo Theater on Friday evening, July 31, 2015, focused on a woman training at this facility. I was so surprised the building showed up in the Film Screening, after I had randomly seen it the day before, I voted for the film entry as among the Top 3 entries, even though there was another entry that was probably slightly-better quality.

Wing Chun Martial Arts Center.

Luis Fotos - Good Nutrition.

Koenig's Metal Yard. Everyone's favorite metal yard!

Koenig's Metal Yard.

Koenig's Metal Yard.

Sai-gon Apartments.

El Camino Motor Hotel. The very first money I ever earned was here, at the age of 14, as a dishwasher. Just one or two sessions. Glad to see the beautiful neon sign is still in good shape!

Mural near Our Lady of Sorrows (OLOS) Catholic Church, in Bernalillo.

OLOS Mural detail. Matachines and conquistadors!

Chili Verde and Central Avenue, SW.

Here's a statue of an alarmed-looking horse, at High Desert RV Park, Chili Verde and Central SW, on the far-west side of Albuquerque.

"But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have"

Which meant, in Albuquerque, that he had to go to work.

A suspended semi-trailer cab.

Disco's Display House. Still rolling along after all these years!

Blaze Smoke Shop.

Sach's Piercing-Tattoo

Simply Amish. Me thinks not so simple.

Precious Possibilities Child Care.

St. Paul's United Methodist Church - Daring to begin.

One of Albuquerque's most well-known quirky signs. At one time, Paul Bunyan here had an axe in his hands, representing some long-departed business, but now armless Paul Bunyan signifies May's Vietnamese Café.

Daisy Massage. A form of pollination.

In Tha Kut Barbershop.

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