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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Here Comes The Dagger!

Here comes the dagger! Right between the shoulder blades!:
"Cuccinelli’s involvement in this push “to tie Trump’s hands” is notable given his role as president of Jim Demint’s tea party-aligned Senate Conservatives Fund. The group has previously found common cause with Trump, spearheading an effort to defeat Sen. John McCain in next year’s Arizona primary and promoting Sen. Ted Cruz’s epic rant against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell last month."
Now, in many ways, I'm sympathetic to the GOP on this. It's important for parties to maintain discipline, and Trump is way out of line and needs to be spanked, hard. Nevertheless, the billionaires run the GOP, and after the GOP's recent humiliating loss of its mailing lists to the Koch Brothers, it is clear the party is in a severely-weakened state. Trump beat FOX News over Megyn Kelly; he can beat Ken Cuccinelli too. And Lindsay Graham has just been quoted: "If Donald Trump is the nominee, that’s the end of the Republican Party." Graham's right, but the opposite may be true too. If Trump isn't the nominee, the party may crumble.

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