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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Attacking Caves Near The Mexican Border

On the idiot front, Ben Carson suggests using drones to attack caves on the Mexican border. But these aren't caves, these are tunnels, all of which are in towns and cities, and would survive drone air strikes and not, you know, visits by the Border Patrol. Needless to say, Republicans and their leaders are fools.

[UPDATE] Continuing in the category of figuring out just what the hell Ben Carson is talking about when he suggests using drones to attack caves near the Mexican border, Digby speculates he's talking about the postulated use by drug cartels of remote caves and points on high terrain inside the U.S. to coordinate the movement of drug shipments. Now, there are points on rugged terrain near the border that make fantastic lookouts, places the Apache frequented two centuries ago and desert sheep frequent today, provided drug cartels anticipate attacks by Border Patrol cavalry on horseback, or by infantry, but their relative inaccessibility makes them unsuitable for use by drug cartels, who would likely prefer using modern conveniences like cell phones, and drive on freeways and other convenient roads. Dropping bombs on remote places will start fires without reducing their inherent appeal, and besides, these places are easily observable - and attackable if need be - by USAF A-10 aircraft that use the area for training. Digby speculates Carson is simply childishly repeating crap he's heard from that excitable idiot, Pinal County Sheriff Babeu.

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